We know you love a book giveaway, so we've got a real treat in store. We've recently featured one book that examines how we navigate life and loss through making lists; and a book full of delightful ways to style your table and create wholesome, beautiful food. This month we are thrilled to be offering three lucky readers the chance to win a copy of Beth Kempton's gorgeous new book (released yesterday), Wabi Sabi signed by the author.
Beth is a life coach and author whose mission is to help you live the best life you can. She has heaps of experience working with individuals and businesses to explore what they hope - and love - to do, and to find ways to achieve those goals. Beth is also a life-long fan of Japanese culture, philosophy and aesthetics having spent many years living and working in Japan. In Wabi Sabi Beth distills the wisdom she's gathered through her work and draws on traditional Japanese teachings. It looks completely wonderful.
The concept of wabi sabi means embracing imperfection and accepting impermanence. The idea of celebrating imperfections chimes with our love of linen fabric: it's a fabric with its own character, with inherent crumples and texture; it's not pristine yet it's beautiful and comforting and timeless. Instead of succumbing to the seemingly relentless pressure to have 'perfect' homes, and lives, Beth's message is all about finding passion and happiness with things just as they are.
How to enter
Looking for ways to see beauty in imperfection, to slow down and live more simply, finding more joy and inspiration in your life? Just leave your name in the comments below, and tell us an example of something perfectly imperfect in your life right now. The deadline is 5pm on 21st September.
To get you going, here's an example from the LinenMe copy desk: our garden. After a freezing winter and then a hot summer with hardly any rain and even less time, the garden has reverted to a rather wild and unkempt state. Whilst part of us yearns to bring order to the borders, there's something free and beautiful about the way the brambles are taking over, about the wild strawberries popping up in new places and the plum tree bending with the weight of its unpicked autumn bounty. In true wabi sabi style we are accepting that right now that's ok, and it's actually quite liberating.
What's your perfectly imperfect thing?
Competition is closed. The winners are: Penelope Jenkins, Kay and Maxine G. We'll contact all the winners individually.
I’m afraid, I have a health problem I can’t face up to, but at the same time my dearly beloved husband is recovering slowly but surely from surgery. I sit here on the bed whilst he sleeps next to me. I should be doing things, so much to do. But I am content. Right here, right now this is a good place to be.
One of our two cats would be my perfectly imperfect choice - he is fiercely independent, doesn't like being picked up and isn't too keen on being stroked either - can be a bit grumpy and would scratch and bite if anyone pushed their luck trying to touch him. He just about tolerates our other cat, often only turns up for meals before going out again so we don't see him for long sometimes. Jack is friendly with the fox family that visit nightly and always singles out one fox as a best friend - strange cat but we love him and as long as he seems happy and healthy we just go with the flow!
We are currently renovating our home and most of our household items are packed and in storage. That means we are living with two sets of most things – towels, sheets, place settings , glasswear, coats, boots, and mittens for our snowy September weather. Our imperfect situation is working perfectly to date.
We are currently renovating our home and most of our household items are packed and in storage. That means we are living with two sets of most things - towels, sheets, place settings , glasswear, coats, boots, and mittens for our snowy September weather. Our imperfect situation is working perfectly to date.
My body, now after having 2 children by natural birth - I think I’ve never looked or felt better.
I embrace all its saggy bits, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and fuzzy bits(!)
And I want my 2 girls to grow up embracing their bodies too and owning their imperfections because that is what makes us all special.
I find being a mother to my beautiful three children is a perfectly imperfect journey. It is a path of self-discovery, as much as it is a discovery of the shaping and growth of a human being. Every day I am keenly aware of how every word and gesture can add another facet to the creation of a unique and wonderful person.
My imperfect perfect choice how to live my life. I know a lot of people are unhappy with me right now for ignoring them, not making time to meet, go out. My choice not to be active on social media but to spend my energy on my kids now that they are home for the summer, enjoy my own home, prepare my own meals and my need to recharge my own batteries.
My perfectly imperfect moment has been that an extremely hot and humid summer has kept me away from the beach. Though I have spent time this summer on the beach, its not nearly as much. I have always been a "summer" girl, but this summer I have found some refreshing relaxation in my hammock enjoying the swinging motion and the sky and the shade!
My perfectly imperfect handbag which is absolutely full to the brim with all sorts of wonders, and yet I can never find a single item when I need it. My bank card is buried so deeply in a pile of lipsticks, old parking tickets, keys for things I can no longer remember, a nail file (somewhere) that most of the time, I choose not to use it rather than to spend fifteen mins a time rummaging through my bag to locate it.. and what else? I don’t even know and yet I do know that it is Overflowing with personal belongings that I could never go anywhere without ☺️
My perfectly imperfect or, imperfectly perfect thing in my life is my slightly messy, vibrant, generous and beautiful gardens in my back yard. Raised boxes of beautiful herbs-lemon balm, lemon basil, three types of lavender, dill, thyme, cilantro, so many...the lovely vegetables: heirloom tomatoes from seeds my grandmother and aunt gave me, French lettuce, greens, fifteen types of sweet peppers, seven types of hot peppers..and now the second crop is taking off and we will have fresh vegetables to the first hard freeze! When I see our neighbours come over to help themselves from the incredible bounty (and nothing wasted, not even mountains of squash), all seems right with the world.
Competition is closed. The winners are: Penelope Jenkins, Kay and Maxine G.