With a new year comes renewed energy: lists of resolutions, putting away Christmas decorations, sorting out the house after the holidays, clearing, detoxing and getting healthy. In many ways midwinter is the perfect time for a Spring clean, harnessing this energy whilst we are still spending most of our time indoors and turning our attention on our homes rather than our gardens or being outside.
The ideal chance, then, to breathe some new life into each room and change things up a bit. We are starting with the bathroom. Because that's where we love to go for a long, candlelit soak in the bath at the end of a busy day. But if your house is anything like ours the bathroom will have been somewhat neglected over the holiday season. With a pile of washing that we can barely see over, some drooping plants in need of attention and Christmas stocking soaps and bath products cluttering up every surface, it's time for a bathroom refresh.
Here's how to create a beautiful bathroom in 5 simple steps.
1.Tackle the laundry
With kids home from school over the holidays and guests staying it's easy for a laundry mountain to grow up in the corner of the bathroom. In a small space this can quickly begin to feel oppressive. So first off, get the washing down to a manageable (and hideable) amount. Yes, this may mean doing multiple washes and hours of folding, but put on a podcast or listen to some good music to help pass the time.
2.Attend to plants/ get some new greenery
Plants like succulents and ferns love bathrooms as they tend to have high moisture levels and plenty of light. If any of your current plants need tidying up, trim off any dead leaves and pot them up into a larger pot if they need more growing space. If you don't have any plants in your bathroom, invest in some interesting sculptural, low maintenance greenery to bring life and the natural world into the room. Hang from shelves or sit them on windowsills for a splash of colour and interest. For those who have trouble keeping plants alive, try air plants.
3.Buy some new linen bath towels
A set of fresh, new linen bath towels will instantly pep up a bathroom and add a feeling of luxury and comfort. Whether you opt for simple neutrals or go for a brighter pop of colour to coordinate with the room, a neat pile of soft bath towels is always a welcoming sight. Stack in piles on open shelving, or tuck on hooks to hang in all their finery. Keep one set put away ready for any impromptu visitors.
4.Decant your bath products
Buy some opaque amber or green bottles with various caps and spray fittings, then decant your shampoo, liquid soaps and bath products into them. Apply vinyl lettering for a smart, minimalist look (cute DIY here). This will really bring the room together, and gives an elegant, polished finish. You could also recycle any smart bottles from products you've finished, and simply refill them with different things, adding new labels.
5.Candles, candles and more candles
For the perfect finishing touch simply dot a few candles around the room. Line windowsills with tea lights, place a couple of scented candles near the bath and place stubby candles on any suitable surface. One of life's simple pleasures is lying back in a warm bath, cocooned in candlelit and bathed in luxurious bath oils, especially when it's dark and cold outside.
Any other tips for improving a bathroom? Drop us a comment below.