There's a common misconception that linen is a summer fabric. Not so. We're here to show you why linen makes a great choice for all seasons, and to showcase some of the pieces in our stunning new Fall collection.
At last, it feels like Spring has sprung. Whilst gardens and parks are behind with their blooms on account of the long, cold winter, we at LinenMe are primed and ready with lots of luscious linen clothes for the new season.
It’s time to turn our attention to Mother’s Day (11th March in the UK and 13th May in the USA and Australia) and to finding those truly special gifts for mums everywhere, whether our own, our partner’s or the mother of our children.
This time of year can be a bit tricky clothes-wise. We may have overindulged somewhat over the festive season and our waistband might be feeling a bit tight.